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Hit Test & Drawing Text
How to check if the mouse is above a certain area using the if statement and the logical operator && (AND).
We also display some text on the screen. You must have the font file in a folder called data inside your sketch folder. You should use the Create Font tool to create the font file.
int rX = 200; // x coordinate int rY = 200; // y coorinate int rW = 50; // width int rH = 50; // height PFont font; void setup() { size(640,480); font = loadFont("font.vlw"); textFont(font,24); } void draw() { background(0); // 4 conditionals in one. All of them need to be true. if( mouseX >= rX && mouseX <= rX + rW && mouseY >= rY && mouseY <= rY +rH ){ fill(255,0,0); rect(rX,rY,rW,rH); fill(0,120,0); text("Hello", rX, rY); }else{ fill(255,255,255); rect(rX,rY,rW,rH); } }
Using Images
Here is the same example as above that also shows how to load images. The image that you use should also be inside the data folder.
int rX = 20; // x coordinate int rY = 50; // y coorinate int rW = 50; // width int rH = 50; // height PFont font; PImage img; void setup() { size(640,480); font = loadFont("font.vlw"); img = loadImage("picture.jpg"); textFont(font,24); } void draw() { background(0); // 4 conditionals in one. All of them need to be true. if( mouseX >= rX && mouseX <= rX + rW && mouseY >= rY && mouseY <= rY +rH ){ fill(255,0,0); rect(rX,rY,rW,rH); fill(0,120,0); text("Hello", rX, rY); image(img, rX + rW + 5, rY, 400, 400); }else{ fill(255,255,255); rect(rX,rY,rW,rH); } text("Mouse X:" + mouseX,20,20); }
Playing Video
In order to play video files, we need to use the built-in video library.
import processing.video.*; Movie myMovie; float videoSpeed = 1.0; void setup() { size(640,480); myMovie = new Movie(this, "video.mov"); myMovie.loop(); myMovie.speed(1); } void draw() { image(myMovie,0,0); videoSpeed = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 2); myMovie.speed(videoSpeed); println(videoSpeed); } // Called every time a new frame is available to read void movieEvent(Movie m) { m.read(); }
Useful Links & Food For Thought
- Today’s Artist: Casey Reas (one of the creators of Processing)