Art and Tech student selections

The selection of students for the academic year 2012-13 has been done and a reply has been sent to every applicant. In case you haven’t received any answer please get in contact. We will publish a schedule for the autumn 2012 courses very soon!

Art and tech videos

Some videos related to recent art and technology activities at Aalto University. Production: Aalto Media Factory.

Wearable Electronics course presentations, MUU gallery 5th December 2011


Stelarc’s lecture as part of Human design or Evolution? lecture series, 13th February 2012


Computational Photography course exhibition and theme at Pixelache Helsinki festival, 2011


Wearable Electronics workshop at Aalto University by Meg Grant, 2nd November 2011


Open Helsinki theme at the Makerlab of DMY Festival, Berlin, June 2011


Professor Mark Billinghurt’s lecture about Augmented Reality, 21st October 2010


Course information added

Many of the course descriptions for the Art and Tech study module can be now found on the Courses page. We’re still in the process of planning the courses and detailed schedules will be available in the coming weeks.

Introducing Art and Technology studies

Sound gloves
Wearable Electronics course demos at MUU gallery. Project: Sound Gloves by Carmen Brecheis, Minna Holkkola, and Chi-Hsia Lai.

Aalto University introduces Art and Technology, a study module that is targeted to MA level students and starts in the academic year 2012‐13. It brings media art and electronic art for the first time as independent subjects to the curriculum of the university. It’s also an example of new multi-disciplinary collaboration that is made possible by Aalto.

The study module combines media artistic thinking and practice with the aesthetic and philosophical foundations of the field. Students are encouraged to cross over boundaries between technology, art and design.

One of the starting points of Art and Tech is to make the work done by students and researchers more visible. This will happen through exhibitions, performances and events organized in collaboration with others actors in the media art scene.

The emphasis is on interactive artworks that are spatial, embodied, or mobile. Some topics to be covered are interactive installations, experimental user interfaces, wearable electronics, and ubiquitous technology. In addition to artistic projects there will be studies in media art history and the technical tool skills that are needed.

The scope of the module is 20-25 ECTS. It can thus be included in a master’s degree as a minor subject, or as a personal study module. The main language of teaching is English.

The application period for the first study year that starts in September 2012 is currently running until the end of May. Students from a variety of backgrounds are welcome to apply – such as from various fields of art, media, design, technology and human sciences. The module is open for students from the six schools of Aalto University, as well as for exchange students and for students from other Finnish universities within the JOO agreement. A group of 10-12 students will be selected for the first year of the study module. (For more information about applying please visit the website.)

The Art and Technology study module is made possible through collaboration between three departments within Aalto University – the departments of Art, Media, and Media technology, and with coordination by Aalto Media Factory.

See also: How to apply.

For more information please feel free to get in contact:

Vesa Kantola (lecturer, Department of Media Technology)
email: vesa.kantola ((at))
tel. 050 5562092

Markku Nousiainen (producer, Aalto Media Factory)
email: markku.nousiainen ((at))
tel. 040 5005276